Art credit to Weezie B & Sally C. Designs

Welcome to Brittingham Stitching Company!

At Brittingham Stitching Company you will find custom and original hand-embroidered designs that create meaningful and timeless keepsakes for your children. Whether it’s for welcoming your babies into the world, a birthday party, a baptism, or any other special trip or occasion, hand embroidering special touches on children’s clothing is something I’ve loved doing ever since becoming a mom. I treat every item that I embroider as if it were for my own children- with carefulness and love in every stich!

Meet Elizabeth

Hi, I’m Elizabeth DuBois- the busy mama behind Brittingham Stitching Co! Ever since we had our first baby in 2018, I fell in love with all of the adorable baby clothes out there. Dressing a baby is so special, especially considering that they are only little for such a little while!

When I became a mom, I realized I had the opportunity to add a personal touch to my own children’s clothes by hand embroidering them. I began hand embroidering items for my children as well as tea towels and sweatshirts for friends. Over time, and since earning the trust of fellow moms to design and hand embroider on their clothes, the official Brittingham Stitching Co. was born! My hobbies have turned into a very fulfilling service for many other mothers and grandmothers. My goal is to provide meaningful and timeless work on every item I embroider for families to create special memories in.

My husband and I both are graduates of Auburn University and currently live in Auburn to raise our family. We have two sons, Hayes (5) and Ford (4) along with our golden retriever, Rosie. I love being a “boy mom” so much, and mine love to keep me on my toes. They really are my two best friends who keep me laughing and they continue to inspire all of my designs & ideas!

Hayes & Ford
Kate Greer Photo

Introducing the Brittingham Stitch Kit

The Brittingham Stitch Kit is a completely customizable hand embroidery kit designed to be a cherished keepsake upon completion. With two sizing options, customers have the option to learn to hand embroider their child’s name, Christmas ornaments, their child’s handwriting, or even their wedding crest or company logo.